Apple Reference & Presen…ibrary 1991 & 1992 Winter
The Apple Reference & Presentations Library CD Apple Partner Edition Winter 91-92.7z
AP Ref & Pres Winter 91⁄92
AP Ref & Pres Winter 91_92
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<script>-- Ref & Pres Winter 91/92-- ©1991/92 Medior, Inc. & ©1991/92 Apple Computer, Inc.-- 12/11/91 8:42 PM-- Version: 10.0b2XCMDs to follow:# 985 CopyFolder © Frédéric Rinaldi# 2985 FileCopy © Frédéric Rinaldi# 1047 NewFolder © Guy de Picciotto# 1142 Prompt © Frédéric Rinaldi# 4321 QTMovie © Apple Computer, Inc.# 983 RemoveFolder © Frédéric Rinaldi# 10036 SwitchXRoo © 1990 Bill Steinberg# 77 TitleBar © Apple Computer, Inc.# 12027 zoomRect © Apple Computer, Inc.XFCNs to follow:# 1205 ApplicationList © Apple Computer, Inc.# 14000 ApplMemory © Apple Computer, Inc.# 12505 ApplSize © Apple Computer, Inc.# 4008 DeleteFile © Apple Computer, Inc.# 21325 DiskSpaceAvail © Peter Meyer# 13006 FileExists © Apple Computer, Inc.# 13008 FileSize © Apple Computer, Inc.# 6146 FilterANDs © Peter Meyer# 29767 FilterNOTs © Peter Meyer# 24894 filterORs © Peter Meyer# 5547 FolderSize © Frédéric Rinaldi# 5624 GetFInfo © Frédéric Rinaldi# 1610 GetFolder © Frédéric Rinaldi# 800 ListSelect © Frédéric Rinaldi# 12040 MFIsRunning © Apple Computer, Inc.# 2347 PopUpMenu © Apple Computer, Inc.# 12024 RemoveDupItems © Peter Meyer# 512 ShowList © Apple Computer, Inc.# 816 MacType © Frédéric Rinaldi# 12084 SystemPath © Apple Computer, Inc.# 15911 TitleList © Peter Meyer# 12053 TotalRAM © Apple Computer, Inc.# 12067 VolumeList © Apple Computer, Inc.on closeStackglobal gLockFlagif gLockFlag is not true thenrepeat until not the lockscreenunlock screenend repeatelse put "" into gLockFlagend closeStackon resumeStackspinCursorsend openCard to this cdopenStackset userModify to TRUEpass resumeStackend resumeStackon openStackglobal gCDVolume6,gMainStack6,gGlobalInit6,gCdNameList6,gCdIDList6,gLastMenu6,gMenuSelection6global gMultiFinder,gTheDepths6,gNoLaunch6,gScreen6,gSystemVersion,RPStackNameglobal gAppsHD6,gAppsCD6spinCursorif the userLevel < 2 then set the userLevel to 2put "AP Ref & Pres Winter 91/92:" into gCDVolume6put cd fld "Names" of cd 1 into gCdNameList6put cd fld "Ids" of cd 1 into gCdIDList6put cd fld "AppsCD" of cd "Preferences" into gAppsCD6if gGlobalInit6 = "" thenif there is a file (PrefPath()&"Global Data") thenlock screenRestoreGlobalsput true into gGlobalInit6exit openStackend ifspinCursorif the heapspace < 120000 thenanswer "HyperCard may run out of memory. Please quit and provide more memory for HyperCard." with "Stay" or "Quit"if it = "Quit" then send "Domenu Quit HyperCard" to HyperCardend ifif top of cd window < 20 then hide menuBarput true into gGlobalInit6put trim(long name of this stack) into gMainStack6put char 1 to 3 of item 2 of macType() into gSystemVersionif number of this cd is not 1 thenspinCursorpush cdset lockmessages to truelock screenput true into pushedgo cd 1else put false into pushedspinCursorput "Map" into gLastMenu6put long id of cd "Map" into RPStackNameif pushed thenspinCursorpop cdset lockmessages to falselock screenend ifput MFisRunning() into gMultiFinderif not gMultiFinder then titleBar Hide-- 17 for Graphics Library, 18 for Literature Guideput ",0,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1" into gMenuSelection6if (gCDVolume6 is not in volumeList()) thenput true & return & "Volume" into gNoLaunch6end ifSwitchXRooput the result into tempif temp contains "Color QuickDraw not available" thenput 1 & return & 1 & return & 1 into gTheDepths6put "512,342" into gScreen6else if temp contains "Error" thenbeepput true & return & "Monitor" into gNoLaunch6answer "Unable to get details about your monitor(s). You must open presentations manually."elseput number of lines of char 1 to offset("HasMenuBar",temp) of temp into theLineif gTheDepths6 is not "" thenput item 6 of line theLine of temp into line 2 of gTheDepths6elseput item 6 of line theLine of temp & return & item 6 of line theLine of temp &¬return & last item of line theLine of temp into gTheDepths6end ifput item 5 of temp &","& item 4 of temp into gScreen6end ifend ifif there is not a file (PrefPath()&"ARPL Preferences") then--•• 1st time here, go What’s NewspinCursoropen file (PrefPath()&"ARPL Preferences")close file (PrefPath()&"ARPL Preferences")lock screenif (the heapSpace > 124000) thengo stack "AP Ref & Pres Winter 91/92:What’s New" in a new windowelse go stack "AP Ref & Pres Winter 91/92:What’s New"unlock screen with iris open fastelsereadPreferencesend ifpass openstackend openStackon resumegetHomeInfosend openCard to this cdunlock screen with dissolve very fastend resumeon suspendarchiveGlobalspass suspendend suspendon writePreferencesglobal gAppsHD6,gAppsHDList6spinCursorput (PrefPath()&"ARPL Preferences") into fput "ARPL 10" & "Ω" & gAppsHD6 & "Ω" & gAppsHDList6 & "Ω" into topen file frepeat with z = 1 to 10000if z mod 3 = 0 then spinCursorwrite char 1 to 16384 of t to file fdelete char 1 to 16384 of tif t = "" then exit repeatend repeatspinCursorclose file fend writePreferenceson readPreferencesglobal gAppsHD6,gAppsHDList6spinCursorput (PrefPath()&"ARPL Preferences") into fput "" into topen file frepeat with z = 1 to 10000if z mod 3 = 0 then spinCursorread from file f for 16384if it = "" then exit repeatput it after tend repeatspinCursorget offset("Ω",t)put char 1 to it - 1 of t into theVersiondelete char 1 to it of tget offset("Ω",t)put char 1 to it - 1 of t into gAppsHD6delete char 1 to it of tget offset("Ω",t)put char 1 to it - 1 of t into gAppsHDList6delete char 1 to it of tclose file fend readPreferenceson archiveGlobalsglobal gMainStack6,gOtherCdList6,gLastMenu6,gMenuSelection6,gCardTitles,gFindString,gOldScrollglobal gTheDepths6,gNoLaunch6,gSystemVersion,gMultiFinder,gScreen6global RPStackNamespinCursorput PrefPath()&"Global Data" into fput "gMainStack6,gOtherCdList6,gLastMenu6,gMenuSelection6,gCardTitles,gFindString,gOldScroll,"&¬"gTheDepths6,gNoLaunch6,gSystemVersion,gMultiFinder,gScreen6,RPStackName" into gput "" into theListrepeat with z = 1 to number of items of gif z mod 6 = 0 then spinCursordo "put "& item z of g &" &" & quote &"Ω"& quote & " after theList"end repeatopen file fspinCursorrepeatwrite char 1 to 16384 of theList to file fdelete char 1 to 16384 of theListif theList = "" then exit repeatend repeatclose file fend archiveGlobalson RestoreGlobalsglobal gMainStack6,gOtherCdList6,gLastMenu6,gMenuSelection6,gCardTitles,gFindString,gOldScrollglobal gTheDepths6,gNoLaunch6,gSystemVersion,gMultiFinder,gScreen6global RPStackNamespinCursorput PrefPath()&"Global Data" into fput "gMainStack6,gOtherCdList6,gLastMenu6,gMenuSelection6,gCardTitles,gFindString,gOldScroll,"&¬"gTheDepths6,gNoLaunch6,gSystemVersion,gMultiFinder,gScreen6,RPStackName" into gopen file frepeatspinCursorread from file f for 16384if it = "" then exit repeatput it after theListend repeatclose file frepeat with z = 1 to number of items of gif z mod 6 = 0 then spinCursorget offset("Ω",theList)if it = 0 then exit repeatdo "put char 1 to "&it-1&" of theList into "&item z of gdelete char 1 to it of theListend repeatget deleteFile(f)end RestoreGlobalson closeCardlock screenend closeCardon selectLine lineNumber,fldNamedo ("put line lineNumber of " & fldName & " into theLine")if theLine is not "" thendo ("put (number of chars of line 1 to lineNumber of" && fldName & ") + 1 into endChar")do ("select char (endChar - length of theLine) to endChar of" && fldName)end ifend selectLineon selectButton theLine,theFldif theLine < 1 then exit selectButtonshow bg btn "hiliter" at item 1 of loc of bg btn "hiliter",¬top of theFld + (textheight of theFld*theLine)-7end selectButtonfunction linkedText theLine,theListsubtract 1 from theLinespinCursorput "Ω" into delimrepeat for theLinedelete char 1 to offset(delim,theList) of theListend repeatspinCursorreturn char 1 to offset(delim,theList)-1 of theListend linkedTexton LinkedStoryLineglobal gOtherCdList6,gLastMenu6put word 2 of the clickLine into theLineput target into tarTextput line theLine of tarText into theCdif theCd = "" or char 1 of theCd = "•" then exit LinkedStoryLineSpinCursorselectLine theLine,name of the targetif char 1 of tarText = "•" thendelete line 1 of tarTextsubtract 1 from theLineend ifrepeat until return & "•" is not in tarTextget (number of lines of char 1 to offset(return & "•",tarText) of tarText) + 1delete line it of tarTextif it ≤ theLine then subtract 1 from theLineend repeatrepeat until return & return is not in tarTextget (number of lines of char 1 to offset(return & return,tarText) + 1 of tarText)delete line it of tarTextif it ≤ theLine then subtract 1 from theLineend repeatadd 1 to theLineif theLine < 2 then put 2 into theLineput theLine & return & tarText into gOtherCdList6SpinCursorwait 8get short name of this cdif it is not "Search" then put it into gLastMenu6LinkToCard theCd,"iris Open"end LinkedStoryLinefunction RemovePath tFput number of chars of tF into pLrepeat with i = pL down to 1if char i of tF = ":" then exit repeatend repeatadd 1 to iif pL ≤ i thenreturn tFelse return (char i to pL of tF)end RemovePathon LinkToMapLinkToCard "Map","Iris Close"end linkToMapon LinkToCard theCd,theEffectglobal gCdNameList6,gCdIDList6SpinCursor--if char 1 of theCd = "•" then delete char 1 to 2 of theCdput line lineOffset(theCd,gCdNameList6) of gCdIDList6 into tCgo cd id tCif theEffect is not "None" thenif theEffect is not "" thenrepeat until not the lockscreenunlock screen with theEffectend repeatelse unlock screenend ifget DoubleClick()end linkToCardfunction thereIsAFile tFglobal errGlobalreturn fileExists(tF,"nodialog:errGlobal")end thereIsAFilefunction PrefPathput systemPath() into sysPathif not thereIsAFile(sysPath &"Preferences:") thenNewFolder sysPath &"Preferences:"get the Resultif it is not 0 thenif it is not -48 then osErr itend ifNewFolder sysPath &"Preferences:ARPL 10.0:"get the Resultif it is not 0 thenif it is not -48 then osErr itend ifelse if not thereIsAFile(sysPath&"Preferences:ARPL 10.0:") thenNewFolder sysPath &"Preferences:ARPL 10.0:"get the Resultif it is not 0 thenif it is not -48 then osErr itend ifend ifreturn sysPath & "Preferences:ARPL 10.0:"end PrefPathon LinkToSearchlinkToCard "Search","zoom out"end LinkToSearchon LinkToMenuLinkToCard "Main Menu","iris close"end LinkToMenuon LinkToHelp numglobal gCDVolume6,helpNumget DoubleClick()lock screenpush cdput gCDVolume6 & "1-Reference:•ARPL Stacks:Library Help" into helpPathif there is a file (helpPath) thenif num = "" thenput 1 into helpNum --// Generalelse put num into helpNumSpinCursorgo stack helpPathrepeat until not the lockscreenunlock screen with dissolve fastend repeatelsebeepanswer "Unable to locate the Help stack!" with "Cancel"end ifend LinkToHelpon LinkToQuitLinkToCard "CopyRight","barn door close"repeat until not the lockscreenunlock screen with barn door closeend repeatrepeat 3spinCursorwait 20end repeatend LinkToQuiton domenu whichglobal UserNameif userName = "Peter Meyer" then pass domenu --@if which is in "Home Quit HyperCard" then LinkToQuitelse if which is in "Recent Open Stack... New Stack...First Last Next Prev Back" thenbeepexit domenuelse pass domenuend domenuon arrowKeyglobal UserNameif userName = "Peter Meyer" then pass arrowKey --@beepend arrowKeyon OsErr eif e = -33 then put "Directory full" into eelse if e = -38 then put "File not open" into eelse if e = -41 then put "memory full (open) or file won't fit (load)" into eelse if e = -42 then put "too many files open" into eelse if e = -48 then put "duplicate filename" into eelse if e = -60 then put "bad master directory block" into eelse if e = -61 then put "write permissions Error" into eelse if e = -46 then put "Volume locked (by software)" into eelse if e = -45 then put "File locked" into eelse if e = -44 then put "Volume locked (by hardware)" into eelse if e = -37 then put "Bad volume or file name" into eelse if e = -36 then put "I/O Error" into eelse if e = -35 then put "No such volume" into eelse if e = -34 then put "Disk is full" into eelse put "Failed with error" && E into eanswer "Unable to create a Preferences folder." & return & e with "OK"end OsErrFunction volumeNameput trim(long name of this stack) into tFrepeat with i = 1 to length of tFif char i of tF = ":" then exit repeatend repeatreturn (char 1 to i of tF)end VolumeNamefunction trim namedelete char 1 to 7 of namedelete last char of namereturn nameend trimFunction PathWay tFrepeat with i = Length of tF down to 1if char i of tF = ":" then exit repeatend repeatif i < 2 thenreturn tFelse return (char 1 to i of tF)end PathWayfunction LineOffset fT,fIif fT is not in fI then return 0put return & fI & return into fIreturn number of lines of (char 1 to offset(Return&fT&Return,fI) of fI)end LineOffsetfunction LineItemOffset fT,fIif fT is not in fI then return 0put return & fI & return into fIreturn number of lines of (char 1 to offset(Return&fT&",",fI) of fI)end LineItemOffseton SpinCursorglobal CursIDif CursID < 256 or CursID > 262 then put 256 into CursIDelse add 1 to CursIDset cursor to CursIDend SpinCursorfunction DoubleClickSpinCursorwait 20return the mouseClickend DoubleClickon showPres docInfo,appInfo,quitInfoglobal gMultiFinder,gTheDepths6,gCDVolume6,gScreen6,gSystemVersion,gAppsHD6,gAppsCD6,RPStackNamespinCursorput item 1 of docInfo into dCreatorput item 2 of docInfo into dTypeput item 3 of docInfo into dMemoryput item 4 of docInfo into dSystemsput item 5 of docInfo into dDepthput item 6 of docInfo into dMonitorput item 7 of docInfo into dCPUput item 8 of docInfo into dMathput " "& item 9 of docInfo &" " into dOtherReqput last item of docInfo into dPathrepeat until "≈" is not in dPathput "," into char offset("≈",dPath) of dPathend repeatput "" into aDepthput "" into aCPUput "" into aMonitorif appInfo = "" and dType is not "STAK" and dType is not "MooV" then--•• Look for user pref Applput number of lines of char 1 to offset(return&dType&",",return &gAppsHD6) of gAppsHD6 into tLget ""if tL is not 0 thenput line tL of gAppsHD6 into appInfoput item 2 of appInfo into aPathget FindCorrectVol(aPath,gCDVolume6)end ifif tL = 0 or it = "False" then--•• Look for it on CDget number of lines of char 1 to offset(return&dType&",",return &gAppsCD6) of gAppsCD6if it = 0 thenput "" into appInfoput "" into whereFoundelseput line it of gAppsCD6 into appInfoput "CD" into whereFoundend ifelseput line tL of gAppsHD6 into appInfoput "HD" into whereFoundend ifend ifput item 1 of appInfo into aCreatorif aCreator = "" then put dCreator into aCreatorput item 2 of appInfo into aPathput item 3 of appInfo into aMemoryif aPath is not "" thenput removePath(aPath) into shortAppNameelse put "" into shortAppNameif shortAppName = "TeachText" thenif gSystemVersion < 7.0 thenput " 1.2" after aPathelse put " 7.0" after aPathend ifif dType is not "STAK" and aPath is not "" thenget FindCorrectVol(aPath,gCDVolume6)if it = FALSE thenanswer "Sorry, the Application “"&shortAppName &"” was not found where expected."exit showPreselse put it into aPathend ifif docInfo ≠ "" then--// PMget FindCorrectVol(dPath,gCDVolume6)if it = FALSE thenanswer "Sorry, the Document “"&removePath(dPath) &"” was not found where expected."exit showPreselse put it into dPathend ifif dSystems is not "Any" thenif ("7.0" is in dSystems) and ("6.0" is not in dSystems) and (gSystemVersion < 7) thenbeepanswer "This presentation requires System 7.0 (or later)." with "Cancel"exit showPreselse if ("7.0" is not in dSystems) and ("6.0" is in dSystems) and (gSystemVersion ≥ 7) thenbeepanswer "This presentation requires 6.0.X and will not run with System 7." with "Cancel"exit showPresend ifend ifif gMultiFinder is TRUE thenif shortAppName = "" then put removePath(dPath) into shortAppNameput appOpen(dCreator,shortAppName) into appIsOpenif appIsOpen = "Cancel" then exit showPresend ifif appIsOpen is not TRUE and gMultiFinder is not true thenif dMemory > 7000 then put 7000 into dMemoryif checkMemory(aMemory,dMemory,gMultiFinder,gSystemVersion) = FALSE then exit showPresend ifif dType = "STAK" thenGetThisHyperSizeput the Result div 1024 into sif s < dMemory thenbeepanswer "HyperCard's memory partition is too small to view this presentation." & return &¬"Please quit, increase HyperCard's partition from "&s&"K to "&dMemory&"K and try again."¬with "Cancel" or "Quit" or "Try Anyway"if it = "Quit" thensend "Domenu Quit HyperCard" to HyperCardexit to HyperCardelse if it = "Cancel" then exit showPresend ifelse if dType = "MooV" thenGetThisHyperSizeput the Result div 1024 into sif s < 2500 thenanswer "QuickTime may not have enough memory to play this movie." & return &¬"Please quit, increase HyperCard's partition from "&s&"K to 2500K and try again."¬with "Cancel" or "Quit" or "Try Anyway"if it = "Quit" thensend "Domenu Quit HyperCard" to HyperCardexit to HyperCardelse if it = "Cancel" then exit showPresend ifend ifput checkDepth(dDepth,aDepth,gTheDepths6) into reqDepthif reqDepth = FALSE then exit showPresif checkMonSize(dMonitor,aMonitor,gScreen6) = FALSE then exit showPresif checkCPU(aCPU,dCPU,aMath,dMath) = FALSE then exit showPresif "QuickTime" is in dOtherReq thenif not quickTimeAvail() thenbeepanswer "This presentation requires that the QuickTime extension is installed and active."&¬return & "Please install QuickTime and restart your Macintosh." with "Cancel"end ifend ifif " Finder " is in dOtherReq thenif gMultiFinder is true thenbeepif gSystemVersion ≥ 7 thenanswer "This presentation will function only under the Finder. Consequently, it "&¬"may not be viewed under System 7. If you wish to view it, please try on "&¬"Macintosh running System 6." with "Cancel"elseanswer "This presentation will function only under the Finder. In order "&¬"to view it, you will need to turn off MultiFinder and restart your Macintosh." with¬"Cancel"exit showPresend ifend ifend ifif it is "Cancel" then exit showPresif number of words of reqDepth = 1 and reqDepth is not "Any" then get setColorDepth(reqDepth)if there is not a file dPath thenbeepanswer "No doc "&dPathelse if aPath is not empty and "HyperCard" is not in aPath and there is not a file aPath thenbeepanswer "No app "&aPathend ifspinCursorif dCreator = "WILD" thenput "" into gCurrentPICTput long id of this cd into RPStackNamego stack dPathelse if dType = "MooV" thensend "PlayMovie "& quote & dPath & quote to this bgelse if aPath = "" thenopen dPathif the result = "Out of memory." thenoutOfMemoryend ifelseopen dPath with aPathif the result = "Out of memory." then outOfMemoryend ifend showPresfunction quickTimeAvailQTMovie OpenMovie,windoid,"No such file",0return not (the result contains "Error: You must install the QuickTime INIT.")end quickTimeAvailfunction FindCorrectVol fPath,curVolumeglobal gErrorStrif there is a file fPath then return fPathif there is a file curVolume & fPath then return curVolume & fPathput volumeList("noDialog:gErrorStr") into volListif gErrorStr ≠ "" thenerrorOccurred "volumeList/FindCorrectVol"return FALSEend ifrepeat with n = 1 to number of lines of volListput line n of volList into thisVolif there is a file thisVol & fPath then return thisVol & fPathend repeatreturn FALSEend FindCorrectVolfunction setColorDepth reqDepth,monitorNumglobal gErrorStrif reqDepth = 1 thenput "gray" into colorTypeelse put "Color" into colorTypeif monitorNum is "" then put 0 into monitorNumSwitchXRoo reqDepth,colorType,monitorNumput the result into tempif line 1 of temp contains "Error" thenbeepput line 1 of temp into gErrorStrerrorOccurred "SwitchXRoo/setColorDepth"end ifreturn TRUEend setColorDepthfunction checkCPU aCPU,dCPU,aMath,dMathif dCPU = "Any" then put "" into dCPUif aCPU = "Any" then put "" into aCPUput max(aCPU,dCPU) into CPUReqput macType() into sysInfoput item 3 of sysInfo into thisCPUdelete char 1 to 2 of thisCPUif CPUReq is not "" thenif thisCPU < CPUReq thenanswer "Sorry, this presentation requires a Motorola "& CPUReq &" or faster processor." with "Cancel"return FALSEend ifend ifput (aMath = "True" OR dMath = "True") into mathReqif mathReq thenif (item 4 of sysInfo) is not true thenanswer "Sorry, this presentation requires a Math Co-Processor." with "Cancel"return FALSEend ifend ifreturn TRUEend checkCPUfunction checkMonSize dMonitor,aMonitor,theSizeif dMonitor = "Any" then put "" into dMonitorif aMonitor = "Any" then put "" into aMonitorput max(dMonitor,aMonitor) into monitorSizeif monitorSize is not "" and monitorSize is not 0 thenif monitorSize = 9 thenput "512,342" into reqSizeelse if monitorSize = 11 thenput "640,400" into reqSizeelse if monitorSize = 12 thenput "512,384" into reqSizeelse if monitorSize = 13 thenput "640,480" into reqSizeelse if monitorSize = 15 thenput "640,870" into reqSizeelse if monitorSize = 19 thenput "1024,768" into reqSizeelse if monitorSize = 21 thenput "1152,870" into reqSizeelse put "512,342" into reqSizeif (item 1 of theSize < item 1 of reqSize) or (item 2 of theSize < item 2 of reqSize) thenbeepanswer "Your monitor is not large enough to display this "&¬"presentation. It requires a "& monitorSize &"” screen (or larger)."¬with "Try Anyway" or "Cancel"if it = "Cancel" then return FALSEend ifend ifreturn TRUEend checkMonSizefunction appOpen aCreator,appNameglobal gErrorStrif aCreator ≠ "WILD" thenif aCreator = "GEOL" thenput "MSWD" into aCreatorput "Microsoft Word" into appNameend ifput ApplicationList() & return into appsOpenif gErrorStr ≠ "" then errorOccurred "ApplicationList/appOpen"if " " & aCreator & return is in appsOpen thenanswer "Sorry, the application “"&appName&"” is already open."& return &¬"“Continue” will switch to the application - "&¬"from there you may use the “Open” menu item or Quit the "&¬"application and re-click the “View” button."¬with "Continue" or "Cancel"if it is "Cancel" then return itreturn trueend ifend ifreturn Falseend appOpenfunction checkDepth dD,aDepth,tMIif dD = "Any" thenif aDepth = "" or aDepth = "Any" thenreturn "Any"else put "1 2 4 8 16 24 32" into dDelse if aDepth = "Any" thenput "" into aDepthend ifput line 3 of tMI into tMDput FALSE into multiDepthif number of words in dD ≥ 2 thenput TRUE into multiDepthrepeat with n = 1 to number of words in dDput word n of dD & "," after dDListend repeatdelete last char of dDListput max(dDList) into dMaxDepthelseput dD &"," into dDListput dD into dMaxDepthend ifif number of words in aDepth ≥ 2 thenput TRUE into multiDepthrepeat with n = 1 to number of words in aDepthput word n of aDepth & "," after aDepthListend repeatdelete last char of aDepthListput max(aDepthList) into aMaxDepthelseput aDepth into aMaxDepthend ifput max(dMaxDepth,aMaxDepth) into depthif depth = "" or depth = 0 thenreturn "1 2 4 8 16 24 32"else if tMD = 1 thenif "1," is in dDList thenreturn 1elsebeepanswer "This presentation requires a 256 color capable monitor!"return FALSEend ifelse if multiDepth = TRUE thenput "" into pLput "" into newDepthsrepeat with z = 1 to number of items of dDListput item z of dDList into thisDepthif thisDepth = 1 thenput 1 & return after newDepthsput "Black & White" & return after pLelse if thisDepth = 2 thenput 2 & return after newDepthsput "4" & return after pLelse if thisDepth = 4 thenput 4 & return after newDepthsput "16" & return after pLelse if thisDepth = 8 thenput 8 & return after newDepthsput "256" & return after pLelse if thisDepth = 16 thenput 16 & return after newDepthsput "Thousands" & return after pLelse if thisDepth = 24 and tMD ≥ 24 thenif millions is not in pL thenput 32 & return after newDepthsput "Millions" & return after pLend ifelse if thisDepth = 32 and tMD ≥ 32 thenif millions is not in pL thenput 32 & return after newDepthsput "Millions" & return after pLend ifend ifend repeatif number of lines of pL = 1 thenreturn line 1 of newDepthselseput showList(pL,"Display the presentation in how many colors:",true,true,"Choose,Cancel",1) into dResultif line 1 of dResult = "Cancel" then return FALSEgo this cdreturn line (line 2 of dResult) of newDepthsend ifelse return depthend checkDepthon outOfMemoryput applMemory("noDialog:gErrorStr") into appMemif gErrorStr ≠ "" then errorOccurred "applMemory/outOfMemory"put appMem div 1024 into freeMemput "There is not enough memory available to view this presentation!" &¬return & "Available memory: "&freeMem & "K" into promptif number of lines of ApplicationList() > 2 thenput return & return & "(Try quitting some of the other open applications to free memory.)" after promptend ifbeepanswer promptend outOfMemoryfunction CheckMemory aMemory,dMemory,inMultiFinderput applMemory("noDialog:gErrorStr") into appMemif gErrorStr ≠ "" then errorOccurred "applMemory/CheckMemory"put appMem div 1024 into freeMemif inMultiFinder is TRUE thenif aMemory > freeMem thenbeepanswer "There is not enough memory available to view this presentation!" &¬return & "Required : "& aMemory & "K" & return & "Available : "&freeMem & "K"return FALSEelse if dMemory > freeMem thenbeepanswer "Sorry, this document requires more memory to view."& ¬return & "Required : "& dMemory & "K" & return & "Available : "&freeMem & "K"return FALSEend ifelse if dMemory > freeMem thenbeepanswer "Sorry, this document requires more memory to view."&¬return & "Required : "& dMemory & "K" & return & "Available : "&freeMem & "K"return FALSEend ifreturn TRUEend Checkmemoryon errorOccurred whereglobal gErrorStrif gErrorStr ≠ "" thenanswer "Error from "&where&" : “" & gErrorStr & "”"put "" into gErrorStrexit to HyperCardend ifend errorOccurredon UpdateCdIDsglobal gCdNameList6,gCdIDList6put "" into gCdNameList6put "" into gCdIDList6lock messageslock screenpush cdgo cd 1repeat with z = 1 to number of cdsif z mod 10 = 0 thenput "Updating Desc List..."& zset cursor to busyend ifget short name of this cdif it contains " id " then get fld "Title"put it & return after gCdNameList6put short id of this cd & return after gCdIDList6go nextend repeatgo cd 1put gCdNameList6 into cd fld "Names"put gCdIDList6 into cd fld "Ids"pop cdlock screenend UpdateCdIDs</script>
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